Nikki Kett Steps Away, Self Care and WORKOUTS!

In this one, we address the decision by Nikki Kett to leave coaching at the University of Michigan before turning to our own suggestions for taking care of yourself in a coaching career.

Stick around for the end where we go through the following workouts:

Erik’s Workout:

IM Set.jpg

Joel’s set:

Whitewater Pain Train

16 x 100 on 1:05. 

Four in a lane. 1st person leaves on 60 second and third five a part 

Four stays on side.  

On the next 60 1st person dives in, the original leader is now second leaving on the interval (:05) 2nd person goes on :10, third is :15 and last person hops out. 

Keeps repeating. Interval can change to whatever - math gets harder on those 

So more people in a lane less breaks

My Workout:
