Addressing the Latest USA Swimming Letter

Addressing the Latest USA Swimming Letter

On Friday evening east coast time, USA Swimming sent out a letter to members. It was their first communication addressing "Safe Sport" since Executive Director Tim Hinchey wrote a letter two months ago.

It has been nearly two months since Hinchey's letter, and each passing day begged the question "what are they actually doing?".

Unfortunately, the answer is not much

Even Wilder Speculation About College Jobs

Even Wilder Speculation About College Jobs

Yesterday, Swimswam posted an article speculating who might get hired at one of the most coveted jobs in swimming, head coach of Auburn University. This is shaping up to be an epic college hiring season and I applaud the article. It is fun to speculate about this kind of thing.

I would make only one significant edit to Swimswam's list. It is made up entirely of men. That's not entirely Swimswam's fault

USA Swimming Still Loves Pat Hogan

USA Swimming Still Loves Pat Hogan

When USA Swimming allowed child molester Everett Uchiyama to "resign" from his post in 2006, Pat Hogan was the man who helped Uchiyama get a new job with access to kids down the road at the Colorado Country Club with an over the top recommendation.

Which brings us to yesterday. According to this facebook post sent anonymously to the blog, all the members of USA Swimming's club development staff were tagged in a post celebrating the retirement of their "boss

Leave the Door Open With Empathy

Leave the Door Open With Empathy

One of the questions that I often field from coaches goes something like this:

"What do I do about (athlete x)? They are struggling and they blame it on (laundry list of small things). I don't think that's really what the problem is".

This is a frustrating and common problem, one that can even get a bit infectious under the right conditions on a team. Often it leads frustrated coaches to challenge the athlete on the validity of their claims.

Katie Ledecky and Short Course Yards

Katie Ledecky and Short Course Yards

Katie Ledecky is the best swimmer in the world. It is likely that, even if her progression continues to stall out and even head in the wrong direction, she will win the events she contests this summer at international championships easily.

But right now, Katie Ledecky is swimming in college, which means she's kind of doing another sport known as short course yards. That sport makes her look far more mortal.

The Archive: Mike Unger Knows The Real Victims

The Archive: Mike Unger Knows The Real Victims

n this final edition, I look back at the 2012 Aquatic Sports Convention. This was towards the end of the time that some employees (Chuck Wielgus, Susan Woessner and briefly Mike Unger) attempted to bring me into the fold.

I declined to be co-opted, and Unger's attempt was the one that showed me the depths of hubris that lay in Colorado Springs

The Archive: USA Swimming Retaliates Against Deena Deardurff Schmidt

The Archive: USA Swimming Retaliates Against Deena Deardurff Schmidt

Today, a "remember when?". Remember when USA Swimming (Chuck Wielgus) retaliated against a rape victim because her proclamation of that rape lead to him being personal embarrassed on ESPN's "Outside the Lines". In this fight over the years, there have been plenty of acrimony on both sides, but this is undoubtedly one of the lowest points.