Trever and I take each other to class, and then get existential.
Ashley Eckermann
Ashley Eckermann joins to talk shop about coaching the mental side of sports!
Who Do You Trust on Nutrition Pt 2
A re-upload without the annoying sound of a metronome in the background.
#Grindset? Maybe not
My thoughts on grinding, and how to get your priorities straight.
What's Next?
What to do when you transition from one thing to the next, like a season perhaps?
Who Do You Trust on Nutrition? Part 1
Here it is, finally. Part 1 of 2 on my journey to figure out where I should actually go for advice when it comes to nutrition.
Does (Club) Size Matter?
I bring on Corey Manley, USA Swimming Data Scientist, to discuss his research into club excellence.
Doing Your Homework
More than you ever thought you wanted to know about homework and time spent training. Plus a meet update and thoughts on shaving.
Kate DeSantis: The Silent Partner
Bringing the most influential behind the scenes person in Chris DeSantis Coaching to the forefront.
Don't Train Alone
Getting ready to swim another meet, and what I’ve been working on.
Containers for Your Thoughts
My coach Sherri Fisher comes to review a half year of finding the opportunity in executive function.
Nikki Kett Returns
Nikki Kett is back to help me review the past year. What did I learn or re-learn from our work together? Listen to the end to hear what we don’t necessarily see eye to eye on.
Other People Matter: A Series
Announcing a new, at least temporary, direction for the podcast. There will be guests and more discussion coming off the end of the year.
Perfectionism is a Funnel
Strap in for a very personal discussion of perfectionism and it’s role in exponential growth and then ultimately bottlenecking it.
USA Swimming Might Actually Be Defunct
We react to the recent news developments regarding USA Swimming and what we see from the organization and it’s effect on American swimming.
Accepting Defeat
Somewhere along it became “not tough enough” to accept that defeat was possible. Does that actually make any sense, and what do I do?
Talent Curse
A discussion of talent and how it relates to reaching your fullest potential.
Inclusivity's Mirror
There’s no such thing and light without darkness, and being nice is meaningless if you’re always nice.
Sprint Devolution
My thoughts on Brett Hawke’s podcast, and the recent turn of events.
Sizing up Potential
Joel and Chris talk about all the ways they try to size up potential.