Sarah Ehekircher Is Suing USA Swimming, Mission Viejo, Scott MacFarland

Sarah Ehekircher Is Suing USA Swimming, Mission Viejo, Scott MacFarland

Here are some words that at some point I had lost hope that I would be able to type: Sarah Ehekircher is suing USA Swimming, her abuser James Scott MacFarland and Mission Viejo Swim Club. In a filing sent to me by Sarah herself and attached within this post, many of the same details included in hours of podcasts that Sarah and I did together.

RIP Chris DeSantis Coaching

RIP Chris DeSantis Coaching

For now, I want to announce a major shift in “Chris DeSantis Coaching”. I started Chris DeSantis Coaching in the fall of 2016, with some reluctance if I’m being honest. I had just moved from Denmark back to America, and I didn’t really see myself as an entrepreneur.

We Should Prepare to Rebuild American Swimming

We Should Prepare to Rebuild American Swimming

I think that USA Swimming will cease to exist within the near future. The reasons why can be found by pouring over any number of things I’ve written over the past decade plus. But, in case you don’t want to pour over my poorly organized collection of writing, here’s a brief summary of why I think this:

This Only Path to Reform Isn't Enough

This Only Path to Reform Isn't Enough

Make no doubt about my position here. Debra Grodensky, Suzette Moran, Tracy Palmero and three other anonymous women deserve their day in court. They deserve to have their stories heard and ultimately I think they deserve restitution for what has been done to them and USA Swimming’s complicity in their abuse.

Cancel Your Training Trip (And Other Suggestions)

Cancel Your Training Trip (And Other Suggestions)

People who know me know that long before our current crisis I was firmly against training trips, or training camps, or getting on an airplane to go another place to swim. However, if anybody is looking for an easy budgetary cut for the upcoming season, provided you typically budgeted for such a trip, my advice is to CUT CUT CUT.

College Swimming Standing on a Knife's Edge

College Swimming Standing on a Knife's Edge

College swimming, especially Men’s college swimming, was already in a precarious position. In many athletic departments, even Division 1 programs, teams were understaffed, coaches were underpaid and scholarships were underfunded. Many athletic directors judged their swimming and diving programs with absolutely no skin in the game.

USA Swimming Will Not Save You

USA Swimming Will Not Save You

I’m not here to place blame on USA Swimming. I was, on a personal level, at least as unprepared for the ground shifting out from under me within the last two months. I built a business mainly around me FLYING ON AN airplane to places and working in close proximity. My last trip was to Norway and Denmark, something I can’t even imagine when it will be ok to do again.

I'm Thinking About Breaking Up With Facebook

I'm Thinking About Breaking Up With Facebook

I had, for very long, been isolated in a tiny little swimming bubble. I grew up in Massachusetts, swam for some teams you’ve probably never heard of, then went to a little college in Maine. All of a sudden I was interacting and writing about stuff that previously I had enjoyed totally to myself.